Normally hashtags are not lethal, but you can always expect the worst of technology in the dystopian world of Black Mirror. This episode is a crossover with Radical Civility, a podcast run by our friend Ben Pacini, all about having difficult conversations with civility and respect. We use the Black Mirror episode "Hated in the Nation" as a jumping-off point to discuss the ways in which social media encourages bad behavior and how we can resist the pull of cruelty and the "epistemology of hell" that drives the attention economy.
Our Ratings: Content: Terrestrial Artistic Merit: 5 popcorn balls Gospel Connections: 3 apricots
Best Books:
Carl - I, Robot by Isaac Asimov; AI: Artificial Intelligence Ben - Intelligence Squared podcast; In a Different Key: The Story of Autism by John Donvan & Caren Zucker; In a Different Key (PBS film)
The Orville episode "Majority Rule" features a similar storyline (lots of content warnings on this one) BYU Education Week Devotional 2014 - Elder David A. Bednar Watching SpongeBob Squarepants Makes Preschoolers Slower Thinkers, Study Finds
The Social Dilemma (Netflix)

Find Us:
Ben - Twitter: @benjaminpacini; Radical Civility; Public Square
Carl - @CarlCranney
Liz -
Video editing by Liz Busby; Audio mastering by Carl Cranney
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